Sunday, March 28, 2010

Are we really what we eat? With Naturopath Evette Brown

Yes we are!  Food is essential to our survival but eating the right food for our body can make all the difference in how we perform.  We could probably get away with living on fast food for a while but soon enough you would have to face the consequences of those actions.  Any health problem or illness of the body such as fatigue, weight gain, high cholesterol, digestive problems or even cancer is how the body is communicating that something you are doing to it is not quite right.  The fact is if you eat well, you will feel well, because you actually are well!

What should I eat?  Majority of our diet needs to consist of unprocessed, whole foods, which are not in a packet or tin. This includes anything that is grown and sold in its natural form, in other words fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and beans.  The other important part of our diet needs to consist of complete proteins, which you only get from animal products such as dairy, eggs, seafood and meats.  These types of protein contain complete chain amino acids, which is the best form for aiding the body in functioning.

Is protein that important?  Sure is! We need about 90grams (depending of your size) of protein each day for optimal health.  Remember that’s not the weight of the protein food but its content. For example 1 egg contains around 10grams of protein.  Protein is fundamental for our growth, skin, hair, immunity, metabolism, lean muscle mass, liver function, blood sugar levels, sleep and mood.

Why I support protein powders?  To meet our daily requirements of protein, it makes it easier to add a complete chained amino acid formula to boost our levels.  TakeOff protein in particular is CLEAN, nothing artificial added, no fillers, no artificial sweeteners.  In my 10 years in the health industry, I have not seen anything like Take Off before.  This formula makes an excellent adjunct to any healthy diet plan.

Be Well….Stay Well…

Evette Brown

BHSc Health Science - Naturopath

Torquay VIC

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